Mastercard® Business card
Much more than a simple credit card, the Mastercard® Business card simplifies your business expense management and guarantees total transparency. It is the first genuine credit card for SMEs.
The Business card can prove useful anywhere in the world and on any occasion
As from the second card, the annual subscription is halved
The Business card simplifies the handling of business expenditure
The essentials
Numerous functionalities
The Mastercard Business card is the first genuine credit card for SMEs. It is useful for paying for online purchases (3-D Secure security standards) or in shops, hotels, restaurants, petrol stations. etc. Individually by card, you can choose whether you wish to activate the ATM cash withdrawal option (direct debit)
You open a main account with Viseca and all the cards allocated to staff can be defined individually: limits, currency, type of card and personalised design (picture, logo or other)
The Mastercard PayPass function enables you to make payments up to CHF 40, rapidly and totally securely, without having to sign or enter a PIN. All you have to do is place your card in front of the retailer's reader and your payment is registered.
Very competitive rates for SMEs
You operate with a small structure and are vigilant on costs. With Mastercard Business card, each additional card is invoiced at half-price.
The solution for all your cash flow problems
For your management and staff, there is no longer any need to give advances or reimbursements in cash, and no need to order foreign currency. The process is simplified immensely; the Mastercard Business card is accepted worldwide and you can monitor expenditure in real time, by cardholder, by category, with a free online management tool. To cater for all your needs, you have the choice between Silver cards in CHF, with the possibility of customised card design, or Gold cards available in CHF, EUR and USD. Together with your BCGE adviser, you determine the overall limit of your card portfolio and the limit attached to each individual card. In this way you manage very precisely the level of expenditure of all your card users.
Further information
BCGE Mastercard Business cards are available for business clients and more specifically for SMEs (up to 10 cards).
Greater transaction security
With the 3-D secure standards, you can shop online in total security. Registration is activated as soon as you make your first purchase and becomes compulsory on the third transaction.
Help at all times
As a BCGE Mastercard Business cardholder, you are guaranteed protection in the event of loss or abusive use by a third party, assuming the conditions of use have been respected.
In the event of an emergency, concrete help (addresses of doctors, hospitals or lawyers, payment of deposits and cash) can be provided by contacting our partner Viseca. A replacement card can be sent to a Swiss address (2 working days) or to anywhere in the world (3-6 working days).